Lao Tzu, a Chinese Philosopher, is the author of the well known quote “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” Now I am not a follower of Chinese philosophers, but this is a quote that I often ponder on. Throughout my lifetime, I have been on many incredible journeys. Not journeys that have led me foreign lands or adventurous travels, but they are journeys none the less. I have journeyed into marriage, into motherhood, into entrepreneurship, into an amazing relationship with the Lord and most recently into homeschooling. Each of these journeys began with a decision followed by an action. . .a single step! So why did I decide to title my blog Journey 4:13? Because before I take that single step. . .I remind myself that "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
I hope that you enjoy following my crazy journey. . .